A Li’-el Bi’ o’ Fun

(Update, 11:59 AM Eastern time: We have not three but five correct answers. Check them in the comments.)

A reader who calls him or herself Avengah made this comment to my post about carry on:

Maybe “spoilt for choice” would be better as it’s the form more often used in England – e.g. spoilt brat / child, since I think you’re trying to give these posts an English flavour…?

I’m not sure that I’m actually trying to give the posts an English flavour, erm, flavor, but Avengah was very perceptive in noting that I find myself increasingly drawn to Britishisms like spoiled for choice, even when they are not NOOBs. Occupational hazard, I suppose.

So here’s a fun little task (you will be grateful that I am not repeating my woeful attempt, in this post’s title, to transliterate glottal stop). Can you find, in yesterday’s post on streets ahead three Britishisms about which I haven’t already written? (I have indeed done a post on a proper and it was Gareth who said “realising,” so these don’t count.) Hint: one of them is a proper NOOB that I plan to post on, one is nowhere in evidence on these shores, and the third is in between.

Put answers in comments, and please read the comments before commenting yourself: I will indicate correct and incorrect answers.

15 thoughts on “A Li’-el Bi’ o’ Fun

    1. Argh, reading comprehension failure. Nevermind, I saw you told us to ignore what other people said and you reported.

  1. I say:
    1. “the other way round” for “the other way around”
    2. “22 April 2010” for April 22, 2010
    3. Is Shakespeare’s “star-crossed” from _Romeo and Juliet_ considered a Briticism?

    1. Well played, languageandhumor. “Other way round” has not shown up here yet; the British/Continental style of dates, on the other hand, is big in certain circles. I don’t consider “star-crossed” a Britishism, or Briticism, so that leaves one more.

  2. bajc, languageandhumor beat you by four minutes on “newsreader.” Negative on “as uttered.” “Supporter” is interesting. I certainly wasn’t intending it as a Britishism (=AmE “fan,” esp. in a sporting sense); in this context, it’s more along the lines of “advocate.” But I will give you credit for the win.

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